Make a gift

For more than 60 years, Wayne State's clinical psychology Ph.D. program has prepared psychologists to serve the public interest. While training the next generation of clinical psychologists, the Wayne State Psychology Clinic provides high-quality psychological assessments and treatment to the greater Detroit area at substantially reduced costs to clients.

Our clinic serves as an excellent resource for hundreds of clients who cannot afford other psychological services while providing an intensive training program for our students. We offer a variety of special programs and training such as dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and research on mental health assessment and treatment.

Please consider making a donation to keep our services high quality and plentiful. Funding also assists our graduate students and program more broadly. We rely on the generosity of donors like you who support our goals. Your donations directly fund the services needed by so many community members who are striving to improve their lives, overcome mental illness and cope effectively with stress and illness, while supporting the next generation of clinical psychologists. Thank you for your interest in supporting the psychology training clinic at Wayne State University.

Ways to give


To make a gift by debit/credit card, visit our secure online giving page.

Make a gift


Call 888-WSU-GIVE (888-978-4483) to make a gift by phone.

If you'd like more information on scholarships and giving to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, please contact our philanthropy team.


Please make checks payable to Wayne State University (indicate Account #220986 in the memo line) and send to:

Wayne State University Gift Processing
Academic/Administration Building
5700 Cass Avenue, Suite 1200
Detroit, MI 48202