Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training

In relationships, you often feel misunderstood, hurt, angry or afraid that others do not or will not like you. You might have suffered painful experiences in childhood or in adulthood that you cannot stop thinking about. You might find it hard to sleep without nightmares or feel angry or sad much of the time. You may abuse alcohol and other drugs in order to cope. Dialectical behavioral therapy skills training helps you address mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

About DBT

While no single treatment can "fix'' all of these problems, dialectical behavioral therapy helps many people find a reason to go on living and have a good life.

Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., who developed DBT, believes that one of the main reasons people do these desperate behaviors listed is that they have learned ineffective strategies for coping with strong emotions, particularly painful emotions. In DBT skills training, we focus on these painful feelings and work to help you tolerate them better or even change them, rather than avoid them, and we teach you specific skills for doing so.

Skills training groups are like classes. They teach you skills for coping with very painful experiences, improving your relationships, helping you focus better on the things that are important to you and managing your emotional ups and downs more effectively.

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